The Number One Reason Why Most Personal Trainers' Social Media Campaigns Fail
I wish I could tell you that for you to earn six figures with your personal trainer practice, you just need to get on Facebook. I wish it was that simple.

But if you were to do that and jump in with both feet, chances are, you will end up with a result that you would not want. What result is that? A big fat zero.
Believe me, a lot of people think that if they boost their post on Facebook, all these sales will materialize. Think again.
Post boosting is a waste of money. When you boost a post, you're essentially just promoting a post on your Facebook fan page. It doesn't create an appointment. It doesn't create awareness. It doesn't create brand credibility. Instead, you just get eyeballs to your post.
And often times, people don't know what they're looking at. Since they can't make heads or tails of what Facebook has presented them, do you think they'll notice? Do you think they will take action on your ad? Absolutely not.
This is one of the main reasons why most social media campaigns fail for personal trainers. It's not just a simple matter of posting an ad. You have to do consumer intelligence first. You have to, in so many ways, pay attention to your target customers and understand their preferences.
How did they like being marketed to? Do you need to show them articles first so you can build authority and credibility? Do you have to step them through certain questions first for them to open up to you? Do you have to give them freebies? These are very important questions.
And unfortunately, a lot of personal trainers think that there is some sort of magic bullet, one size fits all, cookie cutter approach to their marketing problems. This is why they fail again and again. Let me tell you, if you think that there is such a solution, you're going to fail all day, every day. And things are not going to change regardless of how much money you spend.
This is one of those problems that you cannot throw money at. In fact, the more money you throw at it, the bigger your problem becomes. You have to think outside of the box. I know, I hate that cliche because I run into it all the time. But the problem is, the more I focus on the box, the bigger the box gets.
But you need to have some sort of expansive thinking. You can't just assume that the problem will take care of itself. You can't just assume that since Facebook has so many people that somehow, some way, things will fall into place and you will wake up with a tremendous amount of bookings, which translates to a lot of money. It doesn't work that way.
Social media marketing is all about branding and using that brand credibility to generate more dollars in your bank account. That's the long and short of it. Until and unless you can wrap your mind around this conversion process, nothing's going to happen to you. Seriously.
I hate to be the one to say this, but that's just not going to happen. It has no way of happening. So do yourself a big favor, do extensive research on the existing preferences of your target audience members and use that as the parameters for your social media marketing campaign.
Now, don't get too excited. Just because you have a list of their interests, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will have them eating off the palm of your hands. It doesn't work that way. Often times, you have to launch campaign after campaign to fine tune this interest set, and then tie it into ads that work.
There are many different levels to this. First, you start with the interest. Second, you get into the mindset. Third, you do the targeting. And then fourth, you fine tune the ads. Then and only then would you get clicks to your site. I hope you understand that.
I know you're probably thinking to yourself that this might be more bother than it's worth. I understand that you're feeling that way. Believe me, I know exactly where you're coming from. But the great news here is that if you are able to figure this out, it will be gravy from that point on. Seriously. Gravy, as in easy money.