Personal Trainers should also Be Life Coaches
I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've come across personal trainers who tell me stories that indicate they could have been making more money.

Seriously. They tell me that often times, they connect really well with a client because the client asks a lot of questions. These questions, most of the time, have little to do with personal training.
It turns out that the personal trainer has already stepped the client through the basics of what they need to know to lose weight, to get toned, and to build muscle mass. In other words, the trainer has already done his or her job, and is just monitoring compliance.
Compliance is a big deal when you're trying to train somebody because they need to show up physically in the gym. They have to be there, they have to go through the exercises, they have to go through the checklist for them to benefit from what you taught them. Sounds simple, right?
Well, thankfully, this is actually easy to achieve. You don't have to burn through many different sessions to get to this point. In fact, most personal trainers are able to get their trainees to this level in as little as five sessions.
It's pretty quick. It's not rocket science. There's really no complications here. The person just needs to know how to speak and understand regular English and they will be good to go. It really is some sort of checklist. It doesn't really take much.
Now, if you are a very professional personal trainer, you probably would want to explain why they should use certain machines when trying to exercise certain muscle groups. But, by and large, this is already baked into the kind of tutorial system that you are using. This is probably already well incorporated into the training process you have stepped them through.
It really is quite sad because after five sessions, the client thinks that they know everything and they are exercising with you with other questions. It's sad because you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
This is a golden opportunity. When they ask you certain questions that are not necessarily health or physical exercise-related, this is a tremendous opportunity. Maybe the person would be asking you how to get a job. Maybe the person would be asking you how to interview better. Perhaps the person that you're coaching has certain questions that indicate that this person might have low self esteem or low self confidence.
Now, I'm not saying that you should take advantage of people who are going through rough times in their lives. I'm not talking about you taking advantage of people who may be emotionally vulnerable or susceptible. This is especially true for women. No.
What I'm talking about is that their questions are actually life coaching-related questions. These are questions that you don't have to go to medical school to answer. These are the types of inquiries that do not require some sort of long, drawn out, professional training for you to answer.
In many cases, you already know the answer because you have lived life. You're an adult. You have gone through many experiences. You have quite a bit of experience to share. Wouldn't it be nice to make money from that experience? Wouldn't it be nice to benefit people based on the life you've lived so far? This is what life coaching is about.
So do yourself a big favor, read up on how life coaching works, what kind of regulations may be in place in your neck of the woods, and how you can incorporate life coaching into personal training.
Make no mistake about it, there is a tremendous demand for life coaching. In fact, the average salary for a life coach is closing in on $60,000 to $90,000, depending on where you live in the United States. This is not cheap. This is not small time. This can be a tremendous source of income enhancement for your personal training practice.
If you consider yourself primarily as a business person, you need to maximize your return on effort. One of the most efficient and lucrative ways to do this is to look into life coaching.
It doesn't have to be overly elaborate. You don't have to essentially pretend to be some sort of psychiatrist. You don't have to do that. You can focus on practical issues. You can focus on advice that yields quick results.
But let me tell you, if you did that, you'd be surprised as to how many people would come to you for life coaching services because people are willing to pay for results.